
Lighting Industry API Documentation

Updated: 02/25/2024


Our Lighting Industry API exposes correlated lighting manufacturer product data from participating vendors. You can use this data to update your current data distribution, work with us to create combined endpoints with your API, or setup a new endpoint to expose the variation data for your end users. 

API Specification Products


We offer two types of endpoints depending on your use case. Please read carefully, as you are responsible for using the API within these limitations.

  • Private and Public APIs are restricted by API key to the products you have access to. 

  • Every API Key provides access to all records in our catalogs and vendors endpoints.

  • We routinely audit client issued api keys. If there any issues you will see it in your Discuss chat.

Industry Private APIs

Private Industry APIs collect product data from manufacturers, standardizes and correlates it with correct product combinations, images, documents and attributes. This data is meant to be consumed by data aggregators to update their product data with correct variations and product data. There are no rate limits but usage is subject to surcharge if excessive use impacts systemwide performance.

  • Private APIs are Not Domain restricted. (exceptions apply) 
  • Guard your keys carefully.
  • API Keys can be issued by the client (Manufacturer)

Industry Public APIs (In Development)

Public Industry APIs can be exposed as high performance REST API for use in headless commerce and end user applications. You must request a Public API endpoint and additional charges apply. You can use Public APIs to build headless commerce, marketing automation, eCommerce apps and other uses that can consume REST APIs.

  • Public APIs are Domain and/or IP restricted.
  • All public API calls should be done server to server.
  • API Keys are issued by CatalogIQ to clients upon setup/request.


Our lighting industry endpoints provide access to our curated product and vendor data to sync to your system or call within your apps. Public and Private Industry APIs expose the below endpoints. 

Standard Product Data

The private product data endpoint exposes correctly correlated product data and variations in a simple and intuitive schema that allows for easy importing into ERP, CRM, Accounting, eCommerce and any other platform that can connect via REST API. 

If you have access to the public API endpoint then you can use this to build headless commerce systems and apps for eCommerce, ERP or CRM platforms. Enhancements will be available if the vendor has subscribe to catalog enhancements. 


The catalogs endpoint provides access to vendor catalogs over our CDN. You can use the endpoint to populate your system or call directly for the latest vendor catalogs in your apps. All API keys provide access to all catalog records. Our catalogs are updated bi-annually.

Standardized Product Data (In Development)

The American Lighting Association publishes a list of recommended schema for lighting and fan products called the Product Data Standard. Working on this standard and expanding on it to meet the requirements of modern catalog applications, we are developing an endpoint that standardizes product attributes. Accurate standardized product attributes allow apps to build powerful filters and configurators. 

Custom Endpoints (As Requested)

In addition to our Industry APIs we can also customize the schema and content of the response to fit your integration requirements or just to make life easier for other tools to consume. Please Contact Us to create a custom endpoint. In the future this is being explored as a drag and drop feature to create schemas.


Making requests to our API requires authentication. Your API Key provides access to the product catalogs you have access to. In the case of manufacturers you have access to your product line and can have access to POST APIs to create new products upon request. In the case of the data partners you will have access to the lines you are authorized by the manufacturer for. 

API keys provide access to all vendors and catalogs records. 

API KEY (Catalogiq-Api-Key header)

Use the Catalogiq-Api-Key header to authenticate each request. You can generate Api Keys by visiting your "My Account" page and navigating to Preferences > Generate API Keys. Here you can manage your keys. 

Filter Parameters

Filter parameter allow you to filter the request by some attributes. You can use these filters to query for a specific product or all products within the search. The filtering is done at the query level ensuring an accurate result set.


Limits the number of results returned. Executed at the query level. Use along with offset to loop through products. You can loop through item individually since they can contain many variants.


The number of items to offset the results. Use with limit to loop through the results.


Filter records by the exact name or begins with or ends with operator. Use the * as a wild card at the beginning or end of the string. 

This search can return unreliable results and is not recommended when importing items. 

If you want a search function you can use this parameter to fuzzy match records. It is case sensitive.

Exact match: Linear Tapelight

Begins with match finds all records that begin with "Zoe":*

Ends with match finds all records that end with "undercabinet"*undercabinet


Filter by a list of the template id of the parent model record. Each template contains all the variant options including the base option.,655,3548


Filter by a list of the vendor id of the product template.,A-564,45HG6


Filter by a list of the category id of one of categories the product template belongs to. All product options belong to the same category as the template.,25,47,89


Filter by a list of SKU numbers.,897475679,H7868-54,KJ8766/HK


Filter by create date. Returns results after or on the created date. 

Format: YYYY-MM-DD


Filter by updated date. Returns results after or on the updated date. 

Format: YYYY-MM-DD

Selection Parameter


Select which fields to include in the response. Default is all fields. Selecting fields can dramatically increase performance across the wire however the query level performance is not impacted significantly. Using the filter parameter makes sure you are only getting data that you will utilize in your application. Filter can be used in conjunction with parameters. If you need additional filters or changes to the way they work we can provide you with a custom endpoint or merge changes to the master branch if applicable. Contact the admin through your chat app to get started.

Sort Parameter


You can sort the data returned by request by adding a sort parameter. The sort parameter executes at the query level so you can count on the entire result set being sorted correctly. You can sort by the following list:

- "name asc"

- "name desc"

- "default_code asc"

- "default_code desc"

- "vendor_id asc"

- "vendor_id desc"

- "template_id asc"

- "template_id desc"

A request may combine any other filters with the sort parameter. desc